
The Coldest of Blood

Chapter Three of the Red Star Rising Campaign
Fight for Your Family’s Very Survival in the Next Chapter of Red Star Rising
Over 120 Pages of Harrowing Content & 150+ Full-Color Handouts
30+ Hours of Gameplay

What our fans say:

Kristi K.
Kristi K.
Verified ownerVerified owner

So fun to play. I can't wait until the next chapter!

1 year ago

Absolutely loved this adventure, plenty of dungeon delving, compelling story, and creative monsters galore! The ending will leave you and all your players on edge waiting for the next installment!

4 years ago
I greatly enjoyed the previous two modules, and again, I am surprised that things could get better. The stakes rise even further, the glimpse of a conspiracy becomes more visible and overall, the story comes to an absolute peak that ends with a major...
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4 years ago

Key Features

Epic Campaign

Our flagship campaign, Red Star Rising, spans many chapters, providing your table with months or even years of content. Chapter Three: The Coldest of Blood heightens the tension on the road to Prondodol, where the troupe hopes to make winter camp. The road is full of dangers, however, and the Frenta have been asked to step up and help lead the way to keep the family safe.

Epic Storyline

The days loom dark as the wagons roll on toward Prondadol. Nearby, the fetid, stinking Blackrot Bog constantly reminds you of the shadows that lie upon your hearts. In the sky, Zaraghast – the dreaded red star – burns day and night, bringing much fear. Now you have lost one of your leaders, and two others are gravely injured. Then, as the wagons draw near the King’s Causeway – the long, wood-and-stone bridge that traverses the bog – a terrible storm sweeps in. Before it breaks, you will need to make camp; or face the blizzard's fury while on the causeway.

Cut Down on Prep-Time

Our mission is to cut down on prep work and save GMs hours of effort. Each chapter comes with everything you need to run an adventure, with an adventure book, GM reference book, pre-generated character sheets, NPC portraits, maps, locality art, item cards, and a set of “gooey rewards.”

An Innovative Design

Our Adventure and GM Reference books work side-by-side to aid you. No more flipping to the back of a book for monster stat blocks! Our two spiral-bound books can be layed together so you can easily glance between story text and stats. With our set encounters and “not-so-random” encounters, the game is ready to play right out of the box.

Art for Everything!

We have art for every map, NPCs your players will encounter, locations they will visit, and items they find. Our Adventure Book, using a color code and numbering system, will tell you exactly which handout you should be showing your players.

All the Encounters You Could Need

Not only do we create the encounters necessary to the story, but there are multiple optional ones depending on which path players choose. They correspond to the maps included in the box. Not only this, but we include NSRE’s, or “Not-So-Random-Encounters” that you can easily integrate into your game for additional content.



A Digital PDF of Chapter Three: The Coldest of Blood

Physical and Digital

A Physical and Digital PDF Copy of Chapter Three: The Coldest of Blood

About The Coldest of Blood

The days loom dark as the wagons roll on toward Prondadol. Nearby, the fetid, stinking Blackrot Bog constantly reminds you of the shadows that lie upon your hearts. In the sky, Zaraghast – the dreaded red star – burns day and night, bringing much fear to you and your fellow members of the Blue Veil. It was a horrid omen, this red face of death in the heavens. Now you have lost one of your leaders, and two others are gravely injured. Then, as the wagons draw near the King’s Causeway – the long, wood-and-stone bridge that traverses the bog – a terrible storm sweeps in. Before it breaks, you will need to make camp; or face the blizzard's fury while on the causeway. There is no option. Though your instincts would have you avoid it, you must pull from the road and set camp at the edge of a small forest that borders the bog. Known as the Mistwood Hollows, it has a fearful and dark reputation. But as the troupe prepares the site, Vestia and Brayan come to you. The prints of more than a few Ogres have been seen at the wood's edge. Not knowing where they are and how many they are will put the sheltering troupe at serious risk. Before the storm hits, you have a job to do – enter the dark woods beside the road and locate the Ogres. Observe the creatures, count their numbers, and report back.

What follows is a fearful and intense journey beneath a shadowy canopy of Dumal-Wood and Shadepine as the snowstorm closes in on the troupe’s location. Quickly after that, the hunters become the hunted, as ghastly creatures track the party. But the woods hold more than just evil denizens; a foreboding tower reaches up like a blackened fang towards the darkening sky; A strange spirit walks the paths, and a long-lost secret will soon be discovered.

But back at camp, something has gone terribly wrong.

Death comes on the howling wind in “The Coldest of Blood.”

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