
The Wy'rded World

Volume 1 of the Cyclopædia Zyathica
The Essential Guide to the World of Zyathé
Explore History, Geography, Races, Deities, & More!
240+ Pages of Content

About The Wy'rded World

Dive into the dark and twisted world of Zyathé – the cursed and shadowed planet that was once the pride of the creator of All Things, AvovA. Inside these pages you’ll learn the histories, lore, and secrets of The Wy’rded World. The complete background of how the planet was formed is at your fingertips, as well as the many guarded mysteries of the Time of the Making that the gods wish none to see. Tales of peace, prosperity, strife, corruption, and sacrifice have all been recorded in this timeless compendium’s 240-plus pages, including the terrible catastrophe that brought the greatest mortal civilization ever known, and the world itself, to its knees. Expand your knowledge of The Wy’rded World and peruse gripping lore that tells how Zyathé and all its myriad denizens came to be and what brought them to what you see today.

Key Features

Journey Through the Continents

An overview of each continent is provided, with mention of key nations, political intrigues, and interesting geographical features. From the hearts of civilization in Verdestia, Sundestia, Estrenia, and Zutrenia, to the frozen icecaps of Ablume and Sublume, and the wild unknowns of Zinn, you will be hooked!

Read About Races Unique to Zyathé

Our unique races are sure to intrigue you. The Goruund - a people who live in the mountains and value song and oral history. The Sarth - a race who cannot cast arcane magicks, but can cut the toxic and powerful Flowstones. The Aethyr - graceful folk who can create incredible skyships. The Myruun - seafaring stout folk who create floating cities. And the Fay'aree - mischievous and deadly forest-dwellers.

Worship The 72 Gods

The people of Zyathé usually recognise the gods as belonging to a pantheon, and will beseech or appease all as needed. Learn about each deity from the Lawful Good Radean, The Lightbringer, to the Chaotic Evil Slayye, The Deathdealer.

Much More Awaits You!

The Wy'rded World is intended to give you the essential information on many topics. It includes overviews on how magic works in Zyathé, what Flowstones are, the calendar the world uses, other celestial bodies of the Eterniverse, what a "blood-touch" is, and much, much more.



A Digital PDF Version of Zyathé: The Wy’rded World – Volume 1 of the Cyclopædia Zyathica.

Physical and Digital

A Physical & Digital PDF copy of Zyathé: The Wy’rded World – Volume 1 of the Cyclopædia Zyathica.

What our fans say:

Robert Allemann
Robert Allemann
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So much lore! I love it!

2 years ago
Is it wrong that I want to read this first before I read the first adventure when I have players waiting for me to start running the game? These Gooey peeps have done well to create an amazing world with much diversity from its people to its landscap...
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3 years ago
Zayne Judd
Zayne Judd
Verified ownerVerified owner
This book is full of interesting things to read. It is my go to source of I sorta toon whenever I have a question or want to home brew in the Gooey world of Zyathé. The digital version acts as a very quick index during games too! I cannot suggest thi...
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4 years ago
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As a dungeon master one of the best feelings is to know what your world has. The cyclopedia is broken down with hints and stories of history, why things are the way they are, the races, continents and more. As a professional dungeon master this fixe...
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4 years ago
Jason Reger
Jason Reger
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The Wy'rded world draws you in with the rich detail, immersive descriptions, and interesting changes that bring their own Gooey spin on the creatures that have normally simply been copied by so many. The writing, the paper, the artwork, and the maps ...
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4 years ago
Keaton Leikam
Keaton Leikam
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The Cyclopaedia Zyathica everything you need to build your own campaign in a massive, compelling and unique universe. I am planning to run a game in this world once my crew finishes The Red Star Rising. Also this is a great companion to the aforement...
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4 years ago
Kiah Forester
Kiah Forester
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The Wy'rded World known as Zyathe is a beast that only a collaborative community of eccentric creative geniuses could surmise. Seriously, Gooey Cube's collaborative business model allows writers, artists, and game masters to come together and cre...
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4 years ago
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This is a really excellent world book. If you're the kind of GM that prefers to write their own stories, this provides you with a full foundation to work off of. It gives an overview of every part of a DnD setting, from the creation myth and history,...
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4 years ago
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I am Dutch, I am sorry for any typos below. Before GooeyCube I was not even a GM, I always was a player, I tried to be but could never get into it. But after reading the first chapter called “The darkest Dream” I was hooked. That one chapter did...
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4 years ago
Kristi Kalis
Kristi Kalis
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The cyclopaedia is everything you need to know to get started on a campaign in the Wy'rded World. All the races, gods, lands and stats are there for the player and GM to consume. The artwork is second to none. This is a must have for anyone who wants...
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4 years ago
James Hibbs
James Hibbs
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Where to start? First, there is an absolute treasure trove of lore here. I'm constantly finding something new to focus on with each read through. And yet, one; nay, not even two books could possibly contain everything there is to know or everything I...
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4 years ago
Dan Latham
Dan Latham
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Is the title status with the chapters Weren’t enough. The folks Gooey Cube released the cycle Pedia Zyathica. This book has everything you need to flush out a whirl to run a game in. Gods, races, illustrations of locations, as well as descriptions of...
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4 years ago
It's not often with these kinds of books in a roleplaying setting that I would use the phrase "fun to read" but with the "Cyclopedia Zyathé it truly is fun to read. The material is written in a way that gives you all of the information you need witho...
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4 years ago
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I am in love with this company. From my heart I say this. I've gamed a long time and never have I come across a group of people who are so committed to their fans and followers and so interactive with the people who join them in their world. They bui...
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4 years ago
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